Photo Submission Information
Hello Seniors and parents/guardians,
We know you have lots of questions regarding Senior portraits and we hope this correspondence will be helpful! Just like last year, we agree you should be able to pick your own photographer. However, we are going to adjust a few of the stipulations regarding them
For yearbook submission, we will only accept photos from the torso and up. We are not allowing any props in the photographs. Clothing must be appropriate (ie: no fowl language, no weapons, etc). Jostens has a list of their own stipulations for the photos as well which you can find below. Once you have chosen your photo (and just one please), please submit to the replay it link below
Please be sure to have your photos submitted by October 31, 2022
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact either myself or Melissa Hartshorn. Our emails are in the signature of this message
Jessica and Melissa, Yearbook Advisor
Email Jessica
Email Melissa
Must be portrait style (no landscape photos)
JPEG format with 300 DPI preferred.
Cannot be taken off Instagram, Facebook or any other social media platforms
No watermarks from photographer showing copyright.
No props
Must have school appropriate clothing
Avoid close ups